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Which Image Recognition Tag Should I Use?
Which Image Recognition Tag Should I Use?

We'll talk you through the best tag to be used in your dashboard.

Will Yates avatar
Written by Will Yates
Updated over a week ago

Through your business Dashboard, you can control the type of content created through image recognition tags. These tags help in verifying the content, ensuring it aligns with your campaign's theme and your brand's guidelines. There are plenty to choose from, depending on your industry. We've created a full guide on image tags here.

However' if you're confused as to which tag to choose from, one stands out for us and can be used across all industries:

Why 'Faces' is the Go-To Tag

The 'faces' tag encourages users to include their faces in the images they share. This simple act has a profound impact on the quality and engagement level of the content:

  1. Personal Connection: Images with faces establish a personal connection between the user, your brand, and other viewers. It humanises the content, making it more relatable and engaging.

  2. Enhanced Content: Content featuring faces is often more creative and dynamic. Users are more likely to put effort into capturing a great shot when they are in it.

  3. Social Proof: Seeing real people in the content acts as social proof, enhancing your brand's credibility and trustworthiness.

When in Doubt, Choose 'Faces'

If you're unsure which tag to select for your campaign, we recommend opting for 'face' as the default. It's a versatile choice that works well for most campaigns and encourages the creation of high-quality, engaging content.

How to Select 'Faces' Tag

When creating your campaign on the ttagz dashboard, you'll have the option to select image recognition options. Simply select 'face' from the list of available tags.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard

  2. Click Campaign.

  3. Select the Image recognition options box.

  4. Select Face.

  5. Click Submit.


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