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A Quick Guide to Image Sizes

Jazzing Up Your ttagz Experience with Custom Images

Will Yates avatar
Written by Will Yates
Updated over a week ago

Hey there, brand superstar! 🌟

Ready to make your ttagz dashboard pop? We're talking vibrant backgrounds, snazzy logos, and some top-notch UGC that'll have your users saying, "I want to create THAT!" Let's get your brand shining in all its glory.

1. Your Brand's Logo: This is the face of your brand, the first thing users will recognise. Make it count!

  • Dimensions: 500w x 500h pixels

  • Top Tip: Keep it clear, crisp, and without any busy backgrounds. We want your logo to shine, not hide!

2. Background Image: This sets the mood. Think of it as the wallpaper for your brand's digital living room.

  • Dimensions: 560w x 240h pixels

  • Top Tip: Choose an image that resonates with your brand's vibe. Whether it's a serene beach for a travel brand or a bustling kitchen for a foodie brand, make it inviting.

3. Previous UGC (x4 images): Show 'em how it's done! These are your hall-of-fame shots, the crème de la crème of content that users have created for you in the past.

  • Dimensions: 500w x 500h pixels each

  • Top Tip: Pick images that are fun, engaging, and truly represent the kind of content you're after. Think of these as your guiding stars for new users.

A Little Housekeeping Note: Keep all your files feather-light, under 300kb, so they load in a jiffy. We're all about that speed!

To upload or change an image, simply give it a click. And remember, the more authentic and 'you' these images are, the better your audience will connect


Happy branding, and here's to creating a ttagz experience that's truly you!

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